The wild 80s
Working for student living included activities! Read the story of VOAS personnel trip to Rovaniemi! At the end of the article you’ll find photos of the atmospheric original story.
Lapland Odyssey (A trip to Rovaniemi 29.3-1.4)
I woke up in the train, it was still too early. A loud yell from the next cabin was the thing that had stirred me from my light rest. “The bar will be closed soon!” I knew it did not mean the restaurant car, but our unofficial pub set up in the cabin next to mine.
Our trip had started Wednesday evening in the railway station. We were heading north, to Rovaniemi and going to visit the student housing foundation in Rovaniemi and learn from each other. We were not the only ones travelling north: the train was packed with delegates from other student housing foundations from all over the country.
We were met with unforgettably warm greetings. It must have been the excitement of the travel. It was impossible to sleep in the car. The sound of bottles opening everywhere was accompanied by never ending loud snoring, the art mastered within our foundation. Rovaniemi glistened snowy and too bright to our sore eyes. The morning’s business was to talk about maintenance. The surprise was great when we learned other foundations bill the tenants for fluorescent tube change and painting the walls after the tenant moved out. We draw the billing line in a fist-sized holes in the walls.
We visited the local foundation’s office and some houses in afternoon. Very typical apartments blocks! It would be waste of time to dwell in the details of those commie blocks. In the evening we went to sauna. After sauna and dinner there was nothing to do. Thankfully we had a fellow with a good head on his shoulders. That fellow knew there was a legendary establishment nearby, the restaurant Pohjanhovi. Unfortunately, our hosts in Rovaniemi were reluctant when it came to covering the costs of a potential occasion. That was when a director of VOAS stepped up and announced that the night was on us! The decision may have been expensive, but it was a good one. The night was a success. The band boosted our more experienced chaps to do their best on the dance floor while the younger ones had to catch their breath on the bench after a while.
On the day of departure, we visited the most distinguished resident of Rovaniemi. Santa Claus was present in his village, and we had the opportunity to meet and chat. Rest of the day was not booked. We ate well. My responsible role in this trip was to report and film, and that film was premiered to the companionship of our trip. All the delegations wanted their copy of it. I doubt it will be shown to families, maybe not to the colleagues either.
The journey back was quiet and tranquil. We who were to leave the train in the middle of the night were strictly warned to keep our departure quiet. It is worth mention that the bus driver who picked us up for the rest of the travel to Vaasa was very rude. I wonder what caused that. Immediately after arriving to Vaasa, we chose taxis to get home. Lastly, I must thank our travel leader, Bertel Bäck, for a nice trip!
BR,Observer Pauli.